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Determine Feasibility of a Circular Economy for SARNZ - Plastic Waste

Construction plastic waste poses a significant challenge for the New Zealand construction industry, particularly due to the high contribution of waste to landfill from this sector and due to increasing awareness of the need for a more circular economy. In recent years, the use of plastics in building and construction has seen a notable rise due to the incorporation of plastic in new construction products. An example of such a product is plastic building shrink wrap (PMCSA, 2023). As a consequence, the New Zealand construction industry is one of the major contributors to landfill waste.

This report, commissioned by SARNZ and conducted by the Environmental Solutions Research Centre (ESRC) aims to assess the feasibility of transitioning the building shrink wrap industry towards a circular economy model. The objective is to provide a decision-making process for effective plastic waste management, minimising waste, maximising recycling efforts and ultimately, transform building shrink wrap into a valuable resource for reuse within New Zealand.

Source: SARNZ and Environmental Solutions Research Centre (ESRC)

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